Book shelf clearance
1 Burrell showman's road locomotive Michael lane dust jacket tatty £25
2,John Crawley In Focus series. Fairground
Traction engines
Ploughing engines
Steam waggons
Steam rollers
£7.50 each ot all five £30
3, R Whitehead age of the traction engine good first edition £12.50
4 as above latter reprint £5
5 Beaumont steam on the road £10 ..
6 Beaumont steam at work road and farm engines £10
7, T Mc Taggard pioneers of heavy haulage £5
8, T Mc Taggard the big box £5
9,j.h.Russell painted engines first edition 1965 colour & black and white photographs £15
10 Wilkes illustrated history of traction engines £5
11 B J Finch traction engines in review good first edition 1971 £12.50
12 W J Hughes a century of traction engines no dust jacket £7.50
13 ditto fowler steam road vehicles 1970 reprint of original catalogues £7 50!
14 ditto 1973 reprint of Fletchero English and American steam carriages and traction engines £15
15.Savage's of kings Lynn history of the firm £7.50
16.don hale Mallard the story of the blue streak £3
17,the rainhill trials (Stephenson. And the Rocket) £5
18Blenkinsop the steam steam scene volume 1 £12.50
19 ditto volume 3 £12.50
20 ditto volume 4 £12.5
21 ditto volume 5. £12.50. Or £35. For all four. (Sorry. Am missing volume 2 lent.out &lost)
Offers considered on all the above.
Postage. At cost
Cheers martin
vectis squire
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday!!