Hollowell took place over the weekend with a great show and some appearance money for engine owners. A great credit to Allen and Jane Eaton who did not want to see the show die. But they swear this is the last under their stewardship.
Rain dogged the event on Saturday but Sunday made up for it with a great crowd and a wonderful spitfire and hurricane fly past over the top of the grand parade with whistles blowing!
But three engines made the show
Richard Poole showed the only other Allchin roller NH3417 of 1901 for the very first time

and the second survivor 1899 NH3416 was also on show a first indeed. Other Allchins present 1546 AP9079, 1499 AY9494, 2146 FP1259.
Special mention needs to be made of the Vernon family. The late Richard was a quite man and kept engine operating to his engines. So to see son and grandchildren driving the BB1 NR78 to the rally was a great achievement and great to see.
Lastly the Kirby family brought along Ransoms 1932 42036 TL2366 with Ann driving following the rebuilding after the disastrous fire. A great credit to the family spirit.
Lastly there were many who said rallies would die! The public came in droves and had a great time on the Dormans Waltzer and Dodgems which was running using a 1939 ex army dynamo! A great show!