Thread: 2021 Rallys
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Old 10th May 2021, 09:50 AM
nakellington nakellington is online now
Full Name: nigel kellington
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 98

I hope to get to a few rallies really missed them last year , anyone know if the ones happening will have the usual quota of engines , i suspect numbers will be a bit down as some dont bother to get their engines inspected etc for just one or two shows.

everyone is patting themselves on the back about the vaccination thing yet if you look at graphs on the net covid deaths reduced from the end end of May until mid October to small numbers last year without the benefit of vaccinations . there is an animation that shows nothing until mid October when its bursts into life again soemwhere in the preston area , and then eastern scotland , then suddenly eveywhere again , my guess was university students returning.

its an enclosed space thing , its a winter thing it appears , but at least with the vaccination you are much less likely to have a severe reaction to it.

sorry rant over , roll on what ever rallies we can get to.
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