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Old 8th February 2012, 12:44 PM
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ruston-tom ruston-tom is offline
Full Name: Thomas Baines
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Lincoln
Posts: 652

Sorry Matt, Not as simple as that...

I'll design you a nice length of brick wall, but being a tall chap you will want it at a certain height so you will probably need planning consent. This will take around 8 weeks. The planners will no doubt want to change everything and I will have to amend my drawings before building regulations submission. That will take a further 6-8 weeks. You will require a Structural engineer to design the foundations as my PI insurance doesn't cover foundations... they will probably want to come a dig a bore hole and test the soil and it will take a few weeks for the results to come back from the lab. You will also probably require the use of a solicitor to write and read through all the appointment documents for your contractor to make sure you are getting a fair should also really tender to several local builders as per the guidlines of the NJCC code of conduct for construction tenderring.

I recommend you build this wall on your domestic property - as dependant on purpose of the land you will be required by law to appoint a CDM Co-ordinator who will produce a Health and safety file for the construction of the wall to ensure that the site compound is correctly constructed, the labourers have a nice heated cabin to drink tea in etc.

However, in around 12 months time, after the dust has settled (and a legal case regarding the poor workmanship of the mortar joints and the salt staining to the bricks) a lot of paper work and fees later you should have a very nice wall with which to bang your head on

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