Thread: 2021 Rallys
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Old 3rd December 2020, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Malc-Y View Post
Thanks Hedd, you've cheered me up no end,

Malc. (age 76)
Frankly Malc, the elephant in the room is that a good many of those who have sadly died in those older age groups would have died in the next 12 months anyway. From other age related factors.

The damage to the economy has been catastrophic in many sectors.

Other countries, dare I say autocratic regimes, China, Russia etc, even to an extent Trumps America have made the decision that the economic damage Isn't worth it. I'm not saying their model is correct, but I'm not so sure our UK model is the best thought out either. And before anyone blames the Tories, Ive seen what Jimmie Crankie is doing in scotland and that idiot in Wales are doing (because I have to plan construction works throughout the UK), and trust me they are not.

But frankly life needs to move on, there is a good proportion of the population that statistically are very unlikely indeed to get ill enough to need any intervention. This is well known, and has been since the summer.

The under 30's, (perhaps the under 40's) need to be allowed to get on with their lives safe in the knowledge that even if they all caught it that they are not going to overwhelm the hospitals. and hardly any of them are going to die. But they also need to be armed with the knowledge that they need to keep away from the elderly. The young lads need to keep away from all the cougars etc. etc. This alone will revitalize the hospitality sector.

Similarly those who have received a positive test, and can be proven that they have at some point in the last 12 months also need to be allowed to get on with life. If they are not totally immune, then they are very well protected. And on the basis they cant catch it again, they cant catch it and carry it and transmit it to the old folks. They should have a free pass, they are safe themselves, and present a statistically insignificant transmission risk.

Testing for antibodies needs to kick in, I've friends in the NHS where this has been widespread for months. Get the general population tested FFS please Boris. Got antibodys?. Your good to go as above.

If your 60+ you need to be careful. Keep away from the young lads you Cougars. Those of you who prop the bar up, keep away from the nightclubs where the under 30's are. No Ibiza and Magaluf please. Get the jab and all is good.

If your 75+ keep away from everybody until youve had your jab. If you dont want your jab, good luck to you.

Theres a big group not covered 30 - 60, well. my view is you pays your money and takes the chance. Keep yourself to yourself until you get the jab, or throw the dice. The statistics are what they are. The odds are still good.

If you live in a multi generational house, sorry, you either evict granny or tell your 20something son its time to sling his hook, or find himself a bird to shack up with.

All the above are generalisms, statistically there will be always be exceptions. But the exceptions are not going to overwhelm the NHS.
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