Thread: Powderham
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Old 13th April 2020, 08:54 PM
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craigctt craigctt is offline
Full Name: Craig Colledge
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 2,148

IMO, we should right this year off.. Around where I live we have just short of maybe 6 steam rallys within a 30 or 40 mile radius. Within a a 20 mile radius we also have around 10 music festivals.. Everything has been cancelled besides one steam rally and one music festival. (postponed to a later date). Why ?. . Neither has anything to do with each other I should say. I should add. Just cancel like everyone else has until next year.......The reason they havnt is because of there are apparently good standing pillars of the comunity and doing good for there club. (No, they are greedy selfish people who are not interested in me or you, or anyone Joe Public). .. They just want to line there pockets with the the cash that comes in. Anyone honest and in love with the hobby wouldn't stoop that low. Have a year off lads. Chill and stop talking the piss. You will end up with nothing. And not being vindictive, I hope you do. The Corona Virus is serious, do you think your bank balance is worth that .(RANT OVER) don't postpone, just cancel like everyone else has. Money is not everything. Maybe greed is
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