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Old 13th November 2019, 05:03 AM
RWHB1 RWHB1 is offline
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Full Name: Russ Bulley
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire
Posts: 2,362
Default 2020 Oundle Vintage Festival and road run

May 16th is the date for our next festival following last years big success.

The event is free entry and based on closed town center roads surrounded by Georgian buildings in this fine old town. Food and music and vintage cars, bikes, busses will be the focus.

This year I will be adding if there is interest, a Sunday road run, maybe along quite Nene Valley roads.

For engines there is local parking for a week before and a week after about 4 miles from the town. Low loaders and living vans, caravans etc are lodged about 2 miles from the town center. There are other local events after this one if you are planning a route.

We will try to pay some expenses and provide coal. There will be an entry fee for all non steamer entries to support running costs, we will be seeking local sponsors to help. All funds that are surplus going to town improvements.

There is a ticketed rock and roll concert on the Friday in the church which proved very popular last year.

Period dressers are welcome with a prize for the best dressed.

Street entertainers welcome.

More details here

Private message me for entry forms and thoughts on the road run (do we need pubs on route?)


One of the 2019 entries
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