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Old 19th September 2017, 08:58 PM
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The Idle Fellow The Idle Fellow is offline
Full Name: Bill Starling
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: South Norfolk
Posts: 335
Default 'The Grand Henham Steam Rally'

There's been lots of reports of the big 'Do' in Middle England last weekend, so I thought I'd wave a flag for what was going on in the Far East. (Well quite near Lowestoft, which is as far east as you can get.)
We had several heavy rain showers but, once they stopped, activity continued.
Photos carefully selected - as being the best of the ones I took.

6 ton (7861) and 10 ton (7909) Wallis & Steevens Advance rollers consorting with a 10 ton Aveling (10126)

The 10 ton Garrett roller (34265) from the Long Shop Museum.

Allchin (1527) and saw bench.

I never fail to be impressed with the might of a ploughing engine. Fowler AA7 'Cissie' (15236)

Burrell SCC threshing - rain coming, just look at that sky.

It soon brightened up again.

Another Burrell threshing (3249). The owner generously lent it to some friends to 'play with' at the rally.

A Marshall portable liberated from Chile.

I hope Natal Taylor won't mind me calling him one of the grand old men of steam in East Anglia. He has owned this Wallis Expansion Engine (7497) since 1965 and has brought it to 40 of the 43 Henham rallies. (More rain on the way.)

There was a good display of miniatures as well. Here's a 4 ins Burrell.

A very smart 4ins Fowler Road Loco.

A 4 ins Garrett agricultural.

Nice to see a miniature on a saw bench. This Burrell must be one of the hardest worked around, out and driving something nearly every weekend.

A 3 ins Burrell.

A Savage tractor.

'Master Potter', a half size model of Garrett 4CD 'Mister Potter'.

Finally, how the adventurous owner gets their engine into the trailer - just drive it.

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