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Old 28th August 2016, 10:28 AM
trfdevon trfdevon is offline
Full Name: Terry Fairbrother
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Barnstaple, North Devon
Posts: 502

Day 4 and quite a few people have left as there's gaps in blue 2. I suspect they are off to honiton hill. I'm in the stationary engine section so only been to the play pen once. There's an under lying opinion that it's lost it's sparkle. Dr busker on Friday was moderately attended with people drifting in and out of the tent. He lost teacher and JR this year so it wasn't as bouncy as previous years.

Public attendance is up, lots of youngsters this year who are genuinely interested in the exhibits.

Weather has been strange with very hot to very rainy. Its quite cool and showery at the moment.

I will be being relieved later so get to have a walk around. Wouldn't mind someone allowing me a go on a minture to see what its like to drive one before I build one!

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