Thread: Haddenham Rally
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Old 9th September 2008, 05:41 PM
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slow coach slow coach is offline
Full Name: Darren Swain
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Saffron Walden
Posts: 180
Default Haddenham Rally

On Thursday 4th September at 0730am me and my other half moved my Aveling & Porter 8 ton steam roller, living van and water cart from Gt Chishill near Royston Herts to Haddenham rally. I got as far as Histon when i noticed that i had 7 leaking tubes so i dropped the fire, took the ash pan off and took the fire bars out and 1 fire bar only broke. I climbed up inside a hot fire box and started to expand the 7 tubes that was leaking. With help from the neighbours i got the job done a bit quicker. Once the job was done i put the roller back together and then decided to put what sheets i had over the roller and ready for bed. I had a lovely sleep in the living van. At 10.00 o'clock we left Histon for Haddenham rally. We was driving down 20p road when i turned around to see what traffic we had behind us when i noticed something lying in the road at first i thought i had ran over something then saw the water cart go over so i pulled the roller up as fast as i could jumped off and walked down the side of the living van and found that one of the wheels had broke right off and the axsle was sitting on the road and the other wheel was twisted and ready to brake off. I emptyed all the water that i had in it. The cart holds 250 Gallons of water. I was lucky because where i had stopped a man came out with his very old fork lift and picked it up and put it inside his yard. So i decided it was time to set off again for Haddenham rally. We arrived at the sight in the afternoon and i had to be towed though all the mud and thats where the roller sat all the weekend. We enjoyed alot.
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