Thread: Onslow
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Old 27th August 2014, 09:19 AM
Cvrt0_0 Cvrt0_0 is offline
Full Name: Nick Berry
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by Mine Explorer View Post
I suspect finding volunteers to do that job isn't easy, and in defence of the cadets: They've been told words to the effect of 'keeping people out of the way of vehicles' - they're just doing what they've been paid to do. I just personally wish some would use more common sense, occasional manners, and remember they're NOT in the army barking orders to subordinates. Having said all that, I didn't witness any 'problems' with the cadets on site this year - so experiences clearly vary.
Again, having done this activity at Onslow and being a CI with the Air Training Corp I've done my fair share of car parking / stewarding at events (most unpaid by the way) and it really is not an easy job. It is frustrating, hair pulling and sometimes downright dangerous stuff that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and in my opinion it is certainly something that 13-17 year olds should not be employed doing.

The paperwork alone for allowing teenage cadets anywhere near a event like Onslow is immense (and we aren't just taking about the usual health and safety 'nonsense' here).

Above it all they are just doing what the organiser has told them to do and I've seen some strange sights. Like the year the organisers placed a large blue biffa bin in the path of the engines coming from the arena to make them divert round a particularly soft patch and left a group of cadets to 'guard' it. That went down really well with engine men and public a like. How to look like an pillock in one easy lesson.

Add to that most people seem to think that the reason you go to events is to wear a hi-viz vest and order people about to satisfy some bizarre sexual thrill and to be honest you really couldn't pay me enough to do that job.
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