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Old 26th August 2013, 11:07 AM
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mickval mickval is offline
Full Name: Michael PARTRIDGE
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Mansfield
Posts: 1,132

I have been rallying now for over 20 years, only with a miniature, However some of my fellow ralliers and I have seen what is happening,and its has been mentioned above. There are TOO MANY non steam exdhibits now being allowed to take over the rally field. This has happened to me twice this year, and on one, no names no pack drill, the organisers didn't know where to put us because they had allowed loads of Modern HGVs with nicely painted cabs onto the rally, who it was said had paid to be allowed onto the field, whether or not this was true., up to 20 in fact, I do not know. They had the best and flatest part of what is a rough field One owned by the Rally Organisers, I might add. In consequence we were put in the roughest part, and having smaller wheels it was to say the least,''dangerous'' to move about even to venture into the ring, We were as far away from the public entrance as could be. They were placed at the side of the main entrance, Therefore it spoilt my whole weekend, as I was unable [ unwilling] to move with the prospect of a snapped front axle being a possibility.I have supported this rally for several years, but after this year,I am afraid it will be a no-no in furture. There was also too many Put-Puts,barn engines or whatever you call em. So Organisers, chuck out 75% of your non steam exhibits and concentrate on encouraging proper steam . Otherwise just call the show a Bits and Pieces show, as calling some of em a Steam Rally infringes the Trades Description Act.
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