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Old 22nd April 2011, 08:55 AM
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lampwortroy lampwortroy is offline
Full Name: Roy Lambeth
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Originally Posted by the highwayman View Post
In my oppinion it is a great shame that the unrestored engines layed around for 30 odd years unsheeted outside before being brought in and given a good clean and polish, just imagine how good they would look if they'd been shedded and kept clean when they finished work.
But that reasoning is not just for Thursford. There are many cases of neglect through lack of time or money to restore engines throughout the country. Jack Wakefield, Tom Varley, Parky Bates, Tom Tate, Beamish Museum, and many others all qualify for your 30 odd years rule. But we have them all to thank that these neglected engines survived at all. George Cushing was one of these men with the pipe dream of restoring everything that they bought. Thanks to them we have the wealth of road steam in preservation today.
There is so much good in the worst of us and so much bad in the best of us, it hardly behoves any of us to talk about the rest of us
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