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International Steam 4th July 2016 06:43 AM

Hollowell Show 2016
I have uploaded the usual photoreport for Saturday, please notify me of any errors and omissions as per normal.

mickval 4th July 2016 10:07 AM

Sorry Rob, don't see any Miniatures on your site. Don't you like them ?? Or am I missing something???

International Steam 4th July 2016 11:12 AM

Sorry. There are only so many hours in the day and too few hours at a show to do justice to everything present, not to mention finding time to relax and savour the atmosphere. We spent five hours driving the 100 or so miles from home, five hours at the show, that's a long day. I'm a fussy photographer and like to wait for the sun to appear, additionally at a popular show like this, you have to be very patient with people milling round the exhibits, they are the people who pay for the show to take place,

I freely confess as a retired railway enthusiast I have never really got into models or anything less than 12 inches to the foot scale. It's a personal preference, as a 'steam' enthusiast I have a broad range of interests as you will see from my site. My favourite scene by far is 'real' steam in any form, a machine doing the job it was built for.

I spent some 30 years travelling the world for working steam locomotives and then 10 more years travelling in Asia for stationary steam engines. Unfortunately, real road steam has been very thin all through that period, I recall only a couple of Robey steam wagons in Colombo, Sri Lanka and and an American built steam roller in Java, Indonesia, both in the 1970s.

'Steam' is a wonderful hobby, we are part of a very broad church and I totally understand other people's different areas of specialisation. Now if only there were more of today's younger generation with a hobby other than staring at their mobile phone...

Andrew Gibb 4th July 2016 11:27 AM

Gee Mick, you are hard to please!

Rob Dickinson has one of the most extensive websites for photos of heritage steam engines of all types. Rob should be applauded for taking the time to photograph 1000s of engines around the world and presenting them to the world for free. And all you can do is whinge that your type of machine isn't shown! Maybe models aren't Rob's thing? Who knows, but cracking the sads at him isn't achieving anything.

If you want to see models, why don't you start a website for them and travel around the world taking photos and presenting them for all to see.

Keep the photos of your interest coming Rob. Good job.

dave85 4th July 2016 12:16 PM

Great photos, Rob.

woodypup59 4th July 2016 02:36 PM

Some videos of Saturday here :-

There was no full steam display in ring on Saturday - ground conditions were very soft after the "heavy dew" on Friday night, but last thing, there was a big session of public steering.

International Steam 4th July 2016 03:20 PM

I am told that Allchins 1105 and 1652 made it for the Sunday, so they got 100% of those listed in the programme plus two (roller 1187 and portable 1544, the latter an auction lot).

steaming my way 4th July 2016 04:41 PM

Nope 1105 and 1652 did not appear on Sunday! But we still had a great time! A very relaxed rally and a cracking road run! I'm sure we will be back again!

mickval 5th July 2016 10:25 AM

Sorry if I ruffle some feathers here!!! I was just wondering why when there are so many miniatures at most shows that they tend to get ignored by the photographers. Rob, your photographs are superb and I enjoy looking at them, and as I have built and run three miniatures my interests are with those and it would be nice to see a few miniatures along with the full size.

As to doing my own as one person suggested this would be impossible as I am usually at another rally, in steam and running so no time to mess about with cameras and so would like to view rallies I am unable to attend. Also, I was born three generations too early and my command of anything digital is poor In fact a bit hit and miss, I still have a little trouble downloading for myself and sending to friends, and I am as yet unable to download onto this site the photos and videos I take at the rallies I attend.. Have managed to crack the Personal Gallery on here though.

As Andrew says, Rob, you should be applauded for your pursuance of photos round the world and I do admire you for this and I do view you photos with interest and my comment was in no way a criticism of your abilities. So please in the future when out and about with your camera, just throw a couple of miniatures into your portfolio to keep us miniature owners happy. So I look forward in anticipation to your next rally offering. All the best with your photography and keep em, coming. Thanks . Ps there are a few photos I have taken on my Gallery on TT.


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