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WelshWizard 3rd May 2010 10:01 AM

Welland Steam & Country Rally - July 23rd, 24th & 25th 2010

WelshWizard 11th June 2010 06:10 AM

6 weeks to go...

Thecoalman 11th June 2010 12:23 PM

28 Tonne of coal has just left the yard for Alan.

craigctt 11th June 2010 12:57 PM

1st engine already on site

four-inch-samson 16th June 2010 09:42 PM

Does anyone know if there will be a Wall of Death this year? My Lad's been watching the Ken Fox DVD and I've promised to take him next time one appears in this area.

WelshWizard 25th June 2010 05:10 AM

4 weeks... Who's counting!

Dead keen you Craig..

Thanks for the coal Andy..

As for a 'Wall of Death', we do not have one coming to Welland this year sorry. This is due to us having a special event instead which we believe would clash with it.
The 'Globe of Death'.

TractionTime 25th June 2010 01:42 PM

4 weeks... Who's counting!

Me, I love this event!

craigctt 25th June 2010 01:54 PM

Dead keen you Craig..

Took the roller up about 3 or 4 weeks ago to roll the new Low Loader park but its not finished yet. Thought it might as well stop there now until the rally. Going to take Royal Sovereign and the old lorrys up the Monday before. Realy looking forward to the rally, but I am biast as I live just down the road. The other half is singing on the outside stage on the Saturday night. As for me, i`ll be on the Guinness talking crap outside the beer tent. The extreme global riders is a sight not to be missed. Saw them a few years back at the NEC. Bloody brilliant. (Welland, a Rally not to be missed)

Justin Bretherick 2nd July 2010 12:34 PM

22 days to go
I will be down there this year agen.

Not long now to go it is my 9 year of the steam rally.

PS: WELSHWIZARD see you on site on 17th July.Have you got Octerpus redey for the rally and the Atki.

hope ot talk to some forum at the rally and see you soon.

AND LOTS OF - *beer*beer*beer*beer*beer*beer*beer*beer*beer*beer ..............................


chief polisher 8th July 2010 06:54 PM

It will be the first time for me, and heard nothing but good reports, so looking forward to it!!



Bill53uk 8th July 2010 07:11 PM

Ive been many times. Im only a paying customer but I love this rally,worth every penny/. I drive about 125 miles to see it. Lots of different engines every year. I own a very rare stationary engine and tryed to get here with it but left it too late. Am from Hertfordshire area but its still worth going, good value for money and good beer too. cheers

WelshWizard 9th July 2010 04:42 AM

2 weeks to go...

Sorry Justin the Octopus is not ready yet...But don't worry there is plenty of other vintage fairground tackle to wet your whistle.. and as always there is something different coming!

mikem 11th July 2010 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bill53uk (Post 120133)
Ive been many times. Im only a paying customer but I love this rally,worth every penny/. I drive about 125 miles to see it. Lots of different engines every year. I own a very rare stationary engine and tryed to get here with it but left it too late. Am from Hertfordshire area but its still worth going, good value for money and good beer too. cheers

What engine do you own. Have you spoken with Peter Allen, the engine steward? He is normally open to late entries if they are suitbaly intresting.

lampwortroy 19th July 2010 09:19 PM

I suppose I should pay a visit. Camping in the area and having been just up the road to Marcle at the weekend, Welland should be a good attraction before we go to Kemble. Could give my T-T teeshirt a second airing and hope to meet some more T-T members. Anyone else going from this motley crew?

WelshWizard 20th July 2010 05:15 AM

Oh yes... This coming weekend.. Not that i have been counting the weeks mind you!

craigctt 20th July 2010 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by lampwortroy (Post 121481)
I suppose I should pay a visit. Camping in the area and having been just up the road to Marcle at the weekend, Welland should be a good attraction before we go to Kemble. Could give my T-T teeshirt a second airing and hope to meet some more T-T members. Anyone else going from this motley crew?

We will be there with Royal Sovereign and Lord Kitchener and a couple of the commercials. I will be the sober one on the Saturday night Roy working the sound and lighting for the missus and her m8 on the stage. Come and say hello. Its a great rally.

pasty muncher 20th July 2010 12:26 PM

Shall be there Thursday evening.

chief polisher 21st July 2010 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by pasty muncher (Post 121538)
Shall be there Thursday evening.

Same here.



Dave © 21st July 2010 07:11 AM

I'll be there Thursday morning with my model Foden.

mugglesquop 21st July 2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dave © (Post 121635)
I'll be there Thursday morning with my model Foden.

I shall be there with Dave ©

four-inch-samson 21st July 2010 08:35 AM

I have just been told that the road is closed from M50 JNC2 Redmarley/Castle Morton. Anyone driving in from the west might like to look for an alternative route.

Dave © 21st July 2010 09:19 AM

For anyone coming off the M50 junction 2, the road to Castle Morton is closed due to work on the bridge. If you carry on past the closed road and take the next Left, following the diversion signs. You will come to a cross roads at a place called Pendock after 2 miles approx, turn Left, as indicated by the diversion signs, onto the B408 which will take you to Welland.

four-inch-samson 26th July 2010 09:45 AM

As a ‘paying public’ visitor, may I say many thanks to all organisers and exhibitors at Welland this year. Another super event. Just the right mix of familiar favourites and new exhibits. My family spent four days in the public camping, soaking up the atmosphere of the rally field, and chatting with many of the friendly enthusiasts about their exhibits

I think the expression, ‘something for everyone’ is somewhat over used in event advertising. However, it certainly applies at Welland! Everything from the largest SRL to the lady with her collection of miniature sewing machines. All contributed to our enjoyment.

Thanks to everyone involved.

Extreme Globe Riders - She rides the equator, he rides pole to pole!

The Pirate 26th July 2010 10:39 AM

I must admit the program @£2 was of it's usual rubbish quality.
Most glaring mistake contained within it's covers - refering to Robert Coles Burrell 'Earl Beatty', they somehow managed to print the details of a completely different 'Earl Beatty' owned by Keeleys of Knowl Hill - hmmm?????

Bill53uk 26th July 2010 11:39 AM

My stationary engine is a rare lister DH. 1HP that runs at 550rpm. All this info is stamped on brass tag. Have got in touch with David Edgington and he thinks it was made special for the Army to run the telephones. Was painted army grey. If you look on stationary engine forum theres a picture there.


David Littleboy 29th July 2010 02:43 PM

Emmmm indeed

Originally Posted by The Pirate (Post 122187)
I must admit the program @£2 was of it's usual rubbish quality.
Most glaring mistake contained within it's covers - refering to Robert Coles Burrell 'Earl Beatty', they somehow managed to print the details of a completely different 'Earl Beatty' owned by Keeleys of Knowl Hill - hmmm?????

You know people like you burn me up :mad:

Maybe If you got out of your armchair and spent 52 weeks of the year pouring your heart soul and wallet into organising what is probably one of, if not the best rallies in the country you might also feel a bit miffed at someone nit picking to this degree as I am sure the rally organisers do when reading this drivel.

I travel from Wakefield passing Prestons of Potto and people from even further away all making their way right down the country and we all do so because of the incredible effort put in by the organising commitee at Welland to produce a fantastic event.

No crappy modern funfair covered in checkerplate, a stunning collection of engines and as has been previously said something for everyone.

Forgoodness sake if all you can contribute is whining on about a single mistake in the programme then maybe you would be better visiting another rally and spending the day wandering through a giant car boot sale or a modern funfair with banging music.

No offence intended and as a lover of free speech everyone can have their say but come on, lets please give credit where its due here.



8_10 Brass Cleaner 29th July 2010 03:06 PM


No arguments about the rally, it certainly is an excellent event.

And I'm talking as someone who has attended many both as a punter and while crewing various engines, for various owners.

But Trystan is dead on the money about the programme.

The years I have attended, the programme for the steamers should have been classed as a work of fiction.

Sounds like this year was no better.

mikebeetle 29th July 2010 04:33 PM

By the way, the sale results are available at

lampwortroy 29th July 2010 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by 8_10 Brass Cleaner (Post 122680)

But Trystan is dead on the money about the programme.

The years I have attended, the programme for the steamers should have been classed as a work of fiction.

Sounds like this year was no better.

But that can be said of many rally programs. Looking at my small collection going back to 1963, every one has spelling mistakes & description mistakes from an Aveling Barford SCC & an A&P No. 1000005 (didn't realise thay made so many!) to a Fowler oilbath single compound and a Sentinel overtype shaft-drive and steam-organs!
A lot can be put down to difficulty in reading details supplied by the owner or no-body check reading the proofs before printing. But these mistakes have always happened.

GRUFFER 29th July 2010 08:23 PM

its a very good show ,i see mayhews ark is still up and on site!!! when driving past

8_10 Brass Cleaner 29th July 2010 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by lampwortroy (Post 122720)
But that can be said of many rally programs. Looking at my small collection going back to 1963, every one has spelling mistakes & description mistakes from an Aveling Barford SCC & an A&P No. 1000005 (didn't realise thay made so many!) to a Fowler oilbath single compound and a Sentinel overtype shaft-drive and steam-organs!
A lot can be put down to difficulty in reading details supplied by the owner or no-body check reading the proofs before printing. But these mistakes have always happened.

Roy we are not talking about spelling mistakes and the odd typo.

The guff written is pure sh1te. To a point it makes you wonder if it is made up.

four-inch-samson 29th July 2010 09:00 PM

I don’t really want to take this one any further, but just for the record;

Welland Programme – 104 pages, of which only 22 non-rally advertising.

Organs listed – 9
Showmans – 18
Road Loco & GP – 21
Wagons and cars – 5
Rollers – 8
Crane – 1 (sadly no-show I believe)
Ploughing – 3
Miniatures – 15
Fairground – 11
Tractors – 223 sorted by maker
Fire engines – 17
Classic caravans - 15
Vintage and classics cars – 219
Historic commercials – 205
Stationary engines – 139
Classics bikes – 212
Historic military – 94
Model tent – 78
Tractor pulling – 36

I make that over 1300 entries.

lampwortroy 29th July 2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by 8_10 Brass Cleaner (Post 122727)
Roy we are not talking about spelling mistakes and the odd typo.

The guff written is pure sh1te. To a point it makes you wonder if it is made up.

I know what you are saying, but my point is that the guff starts with wrong descriptions and continues with the sh1te which is being complained about.
I sometimes think that it is all a load of guff aimed at the visitor who is expected to be ignorant of steam & its history and those of us in the know should not be buying it.
It still boils down to the fact that if you or I or anyone else who has been around steam for the best part of his life were given the chance to check-read the program proof, it would never get to the printers!

chaffcutter 29th July 2010 09:14 PM

I attended the event for the first time on Sunday and thoroughly enjoyed it. There were quality exhibits in all sections, a great atmosphere and it was pleasing to see engines at work for a change. A much better event in my view than the mediocre and unimaginative stuff we have to put up with up North! My only disappointment was the distinct lack of activity in the Showman’s line up. Few of them even turned a wheel at the times I walked through the section (with the notable exception of the Foster), at least until the dash for the low loaders at four. More effort required here, I think!

The Pirate 29th July 2010 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by four-inch-samson (Post 122737)
I don’t really want to take this one any further, but just for the record;

Welland Programme – 104 pages, of which only 22 non-rally advertising.

Organs listed – 9
Showmans – 18
Road Loco & GP – 21
Wagons and cars – 5
Rollers – 8
Crane – 1 (sadly no-show I believe)
Ploughing – 3
Miniatures – 15
Fairground – 11
Tractors – 223 sorted by maker
Fire engines – 17
Classic caravans - 15
Vintage and classics cars – 219
Historic commercials – 205
Stationary engines – 139
Classics bikes – 212
Historic military – 94
Model tent – 78
Tractor pulling – 36

I make that over 1300 entries.

If you would like, I can point out the engines in the program which were no shows, but seeing as I am being classed as an armchair rivet counter - I don't think I will bother.
Maybe I will go and polish the engines in the workshop instead.
Anybody can put together a booklet of exhibits - but a useful one with correct information is no more difficult to produce.
I shall save my money next time.

Challenger 30th July 2010 07:45 AM

Compiling a programme is a hard and thankless task. Most section leaders provide nothing in the way of information other than a list. Turning this into something readable is very difficult, more so when the subject matter is not your chosen field so to speak.

However, small mistakes aside (we all make them) a programme is for many a souvenir of your day out. Whilst the event may well be fantastic, the programme is the lasting legacy. A lot of enthusiasts know the mistakes and prob take them with a pinch of salt, but the general public take what is written as factual information.

Organisers should not then be printing information that is utter poppycock, and whats more lamentable is they should not be making money on the back of it!

The Pirate is perfectly right in flagging this up. More shows should take note.

Whilst the show is a fantastic event, the programme should reflect this, not be full of utter bollocks.

David Littleboy 30th July 2010 10:55 AM

Maybe what the people who work all year to put on an event of this quality need is some of you more knowledgable steam fans to help them. Its clear from what you say that this years programme contained some mistakes and although its obviously much easier to carp then help I'm sure any help would be appreciated.

Perhaps you could offer your services chaps? That way when youve spent weeks or months working on something you can answer the people who sit at home complaining it isnt good enough.

8_10 Brass Cleaner 30th July 2010 11:05 AM



Please get in touch via PM or e-mail.

David Littleboy 30th July 2010 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by 8_10 Brass Cleaner (Post 122806)


Please get in touch via PM or e-mail.

Ah you see you finally have the point, these people do this for free and the enjoyment of others :p

lampwortroy 30th July 2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by 8_10 Brass Cleaner (Post 122806)


Please get in touch via PM or e-mail.

I am retired so can beat that!

£40 per rally program!

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