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fourceedee 3rd February 2012 03:47 PM

A falling metal bar did me some good today

steaming my way 3rd February 2012 06:34 PM

I got a hit on the head by a customers trolley!! Come work with me Matt ;)

weidner 3rd February 2012 07:05 PM

Matt , now I think of it , you could always borrow Tony's trailer .

tractionman 3rd February 2012 07:48 PM

I had one but the RRA smashed it up and made a road out of it at Dorset

1882 3rd February 2012 07:59 PM

Did the NTET organise that road making demo?

Look at the Allchin on the crusher.

(I shall now sit in the corner with my legs crossed and nod my head frantically for the next 4 hours)

boilerspecter 4th February 2012 07:46 PM

brick wall
enough of this claptrap, lets get down to some serious discussion, why is there only one monopolies commission

The Melter 5th February 2012 03:49 AM

why is it you can't drink and drive, but pubs must have car parks,
And why is there an ashtray in a airplane toilet.

The Melter

StephenH 5th February 2012 08:35 PM

I could send you some lego

ruston-tom 8th February 2012 12:44 PM

Sorry Matt, Not as simple as that...

I'll design you a nice length of brick wall, but being a tall chap you will want it at a certain height so you will probably need planning consent. This will take around 8 weeks. The planners will no doubt want to change everything and I will have to amend my drawings before building regulations submission. That will take a further 6-8 weeks. You will require a Structural engineer to design the foundations as my PI insurance doesn't cover foundations... they will probably want to come a dig a bore hole and test the soil and it will take a few weeks for the results to come back from the lab. You will also probably require the use of a solicitor to write and read through all the appointment documents for your contractor to make sure you are getting a fair should also really tender to several local builders as per the guidlines of the NJCC code of conduct for construction tenderring.

I recommend you build this wall on your domestic property - as dependant on purpose of the land you will be required by law to appoint a CDM Co-ordinator who will produce a Health and safety file for the construction of the wall to ensure that the site compound is correctly constructed, the labourers have a nice heated cabin to drink tea in etc.

However, in around 12 months time, after the dust has settled (and a legal case regarding the poor workmanship of the mortar joints and the salt staining to the bricks) a lot of paper work and fees later you should have a very nice wall with which to bang your head on

Why should England tremble....Roll on summer!


Ruston1992 8th February 2012 12:58 PM

You forgot the Aacheological digs, ecologists survey, accoustic monotoring, water quality monitoring, air quality monitoring.

If your site requires site clearance regarding vegetaion clearance ect, this should be carried out now before the bird nesting season commences in the spring.

If you start now with all of the above plus Ruston-Tom's posting you might have a wall in twelve months time, alternatively you might never build your wall if the initial site appraisal and feasability study find the site not acceptable for this type of construction.

I wonder if Mr Brunel put up with any of this?

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